Empowering Wellness
Faith-driven holistic solutions for unresolved health issues.
"We are here to help you transition from traditional medicine, which often focuses on symptoms, to a natural approach that targets the root cause for true and lasting results."

Sandy Combs
Holistic Nutrition Practitioner
empowering you to live out your God-given purpose with energy, stamina, and resilience.
is your check engine light on?
Do you have ongoing, unresolved health issues?
Have you seen multiple doctors?
Tried many different things to get well?
Are you frustrated and don’t know what else to do?
Do you suffer from any of these?
Fatigue & Brain Fog
Repetitive Illness
Pain and Inflammation
Difficulty Sleeping
Knee, Hip and Back Complaints
Hormonal Imbalance
Digestive Upset
Headaches & Migraines
Anxiety & Depression
Skin Sensitivities and Rashes
Do you desire?
Restored energy and vitality
Clarity of mind
Relief from pain
Emotional stability
A robust immune system
To feel good so you can fulfill your God-given purpose

science of epigenetics
Discover the Scientific Truth of Epigenetics That Will Allow You to Transform Your Health and Energy
We used to think that our genes were static—we now know that’s not true! The science called Epigenetics shows us that genes can be turned on and off.
Epigenetics explains that genes express themselves differently based on their environment.
Your lifestyle determines how your genes are activated based on an accumulation of your choices.
Small, manageable lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on how your genes operate, leading to improved health and overall well-being.
be revitalized through
a holistic lifestyle
Holistic health is about caring for the whole person. We are uniquely complex individuals consisting of
three aspects; PHYSICAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL. Our design is absolutely awe-inspiring.
Holistic health is rooted in the understanding that all of these aspects work together and affect
your overall health. Being unwell in one aspect profoundly affects you in all other aspects.
Holistic health is a lifestyle. What you do on a daily basis to tend to every aspect of yourself
will determine your overall condition of wellness.

trade the old model for the new model
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14

The Real Problem
Inflammation - The Underlying Cause of Disease
“If you don’t feel good, change it! What we think…we do. What we do…we become.
The best part is, we have the freedom to "Change It" when we decide to!"
epigenteic transformation road map
Overcome the 3 Underlying Drivers of Inflammation Using our Epigenetic Transformation Roadmap and Create Energy, Stamina and Resilience
nutritional deficiencies
Driver #1
environmental and biotoxins
Driver #2
negative mindsets
Driver #3
what we do:
we empower you to be well
We focus on nutrition, toxicities, and mindsets to prevent and reverse the progression of chronic diseases by addressing their underlying causes.
When we address these root determinants of our health, we find that our bodies often have a remarkable capacity to begin healing themselves.
We teach you how to make the shifts that lead to Epigenetic changes that can alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions.
You're not alone on this journey.
We are here to help you understand and apply these concepts in affordable and practical ways, often through adjustments to habits you engage in every day.
Change doesn't have to be overwhelming. It's about making one small, sustainable adjustment at a time. Each positive change is a step towards feeling better and is a cause for celebration.

Hello healing.
Our Epigenetic Transformation Road Map to Energy, Stamina, and Resilience.
We offer completely personalized solutions for every client. Our ultimate goal is to empower you to be well, as we equip you with knowledge and a deeper understanding of what your body truly needs to thrive.
precision nutrition
Nourished: Food and Life Choices that Bring Energy and Overall Wellness
We teach Holistic Nutrition principles as well as other health-promoting lifestyle choices through our online video platform and we offer coaching so you can learn how to apply what you learn in your everyday life.
Metabolic Balance Program- Individually tailored to your blood test results and medical conditions. It is perfect for those who want fast results and who need very clear guidelines of what to eat and how much to eat.
precision cellular detoxification
detoxed: heal the cell, heal the body
We determine what is causing your body to not function the way that you want it to and then we determine what your body needs to heal and repair itself. We test for food sensitivities, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, metals, chemicals and more.
precision mindset
elevated: nothing changes until your mindset changes
Walking in your true identity is the key to a healthy mindset. It is a journey of discovery and transformation. We help you understand and develop a growth mindset using practical, proven techniques and kingdom-minded action steps while avoiding mindset traps so you can accomplish your God-given dreams.
who does this work for?
Works for you whether you have a diagnosis or not
Works for men
Works for women
Works for children
Works for students
Works for those who are committed and coachable
Works for those who believe they can get well
Works for those who desire health and energy through a natural approach
you CAN do this!
Your journey is personal and unique. My team and I will be by your side, every step of the way. We focus on progress, not perfection. You will have people walking along with you, that will uplift and encourage you along the way, that will re-calibrate your program and customize it to your needs whenever needed.
You have the opportunity to make choices that lead you to a healthier future. Habits are formed by repetition, not time. By introducing small habits consistently, you'll build a new normal that supports your health.
Our approach is the best investment you could make in your future. Just like a stock return for you, when you choose to maximize your health, you will receive dividends for years to come. We offer programs of varying levels; you can choose what is best for you.
schedule your epigenetic
wellness appointment today!
what you will get:
One-on-One Consultation– In-Office or Video Call with Sandy
Review of Health History
Visual Health Score Explained
Meta Oxy Test – To determine the level of inflammation in your body
We Determine the Priority Toxin that is causing your body to not function the way that you want it to
We Determine what your body needs to begin to heal and repair itself
what else you will get:
New Hope
New Answers
Clarity - You’ll never be confused about why you are not well
what will happen if you do nothing?
Don’t ignore your problems and wait until it’s too late!
You might be thinking you can't book your Epigenetic Wellness Appointment
because you don’t have complete clarity of how we can help you.
Here's why that's a mistake…
Other clients who decided to wait, have come back several months later,
failing with other doctors and spending a bunch of money not getting results.
When they finally work with us, the common message is,
“I wish I would have saved time and money and worked with you sooner!”
Or maybe you think you can do this on your own…
Would you climb Mount Everest on your own? Of course not, you need guidance and support.
You need the help of people who have found health through the new holistic health vehicle.
You’ve been praying and asking God for help, don’t miss your opportunity!
Master’s Design offers Functional Testing that clearly shows the root cause of WHY your body is not functioning optimally and WHAT is causing your unwanted symptoms.

Metabolic Wellness:
Metabolic Wellness Profile is a dried urine test measuring levels of Indican, Total Bile Acids and 8-OHdG…key metabolic markers of digestion, detoxification and oxidative stress.
Additional tests are available upon request.

about sandy
holistic nutrition practitioner​​
Get to Know Sandy Personally:
I am a wife and mom. I live in Culpeper, Virginia. I love my husband, of thirty-six years, and we love being empty nesters after raising 4 great kids. I love Jesus. I love helping people know God and I love helping them know how to be well. I love walking out these two purposes every day. I love holistic health. I love pickleball and I love spending time at the beach.
My personal mission is to Illuminate Royalty. I am passionate about leading people out of powerless Christianity and help them to become powerful through their relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This results as they learn who He is and who they are, in Him. Walking in the identity of children and heirs of Almighty God, we are equipped to dramatically influence our community and our world.
Get to Know Sandy Professionally:
I am a Board-Certified Holistic Nutrition Practitioner and a professional member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. (NANP) This credential demonstrates that I have achieved the highest level of professional recognition in the Holistic Nutrition industry. I also hold certifications in Brain Health, Metabolic Balance, Energetic Kinesiology, and Advanced Clinical Nutrition Testing.
I’ve had the privilege of helping countless clients through my business, Master’s Design Holistic Health Solutions, which I started in 2014. It is here that I get to walk out my business mission as I Empower Wellness. I overcame my own health struggles by implementing the principles that I teach my clients and help them apply. Master’s Design Holistic Health Solutions has grown out of my personal journey of finding true health and I have the privilege of helping others forge their own path to healing.
I’ve developed a unique, proprietary process where I create personalized solutions that bring long-term, sustainable results. Along with this, Master’s Design offers a combination of education, support and accountability. And as clients take responsibility for their health and utilize what we offer them; they see profound changes. I’ve seen clients experience the resolution of their symptoms, better overall health and well-being, and ultimately an improved quality of life.
The comprehensive certifications, vast training and clear understanding of the body has equipped me to become a leader in my field and I have the pleasure of training others in my process. I will be offering courses for people in every walk of life, from the everyday individuals who care about their own health to elite professionals in the health field who are also passionate about helping others find true and lasting wellness.
A Deeper Look into Sandy’s Identity:
God has designed me to be a Health Pioneer, a pioneer of HIS design for health. I believe true lasting wellness is only found as we prioritize healing in each aspect, the physical, the mental and the spiritual. Not only is this the definition of Holistic Health but I also believe it is God’s design for health.
I am called to be a Course Changer. I have realized that people are stuck in physical, mental, and spiritual brokenness. I bring hope where there is no hope, answers where there are no answers, and I watch as people trade their frustration for empowerment. Everyone needs to know that there is hope, there is health, and the journey to transformation can start today.
My entire life is shaped by everything I’ve shared here. I love to walk in purpose and identity, and I love how they intertwine beautifully every day. Ultimately, I want the world to drink deeply of the pleasures of God and experience the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him. (Psalm 34:8, TPT)
It brings me immense joy to empower others, through education and guidance, to experience a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy life that allows them to achieve the dreams that God places inside of them. This is life to its fullest.​
Empowering Wellness and
Illuminating Royalty,

Office Manager
At Master's Design Holistic Health Solutions, our team-based approach ensures that each client receives personalized and comprehensive care. Our holistic solutions focus on healing the whole person, not just the symptom. We understand that real transformation requires digging deep and exploring the root cause of any imbalance. Our team of compassionate experts are ready to guide you on your wellness journey.

Nutrition Coach

Metabolic Balance
Reset Your Metabolism
Are you ready to support your metabolism and experience a better quality of life with a diet that is unique for you?
What does your Metabolism need?
The right nutrition is a basic requirement for both enzyme and hormone regulation, and this is where the personalized Metabolic Balance meal plan can help you. You get personal dietary recommendations based on your blood values and individual data, including your unique dietary needs. With this tailor-made nutrition plan you give your body the food it really needs, while balancing your metabolism in a completely natural way.
Our "Revitalize" Program promotes optimal health
aligned with God's design.